Why Windows Vista Fail Product

Although public attention is directed to Windows 7 (the next Windows version), it seems Vista has two different types of users. The user first types happily using Vista without any complaints. Type two (and more types of sounds in the computer industry) is composed of users who criticize and complain about any shortcomings in the OS.

Some complaints over Vista because of Vista that it is less satisfactory, and mistakes made marketing strategies Microsoft. Some complaint is a reaction of the anti-Microsoft movement is not satisfied on the history, business strategy, tactics and false announcements Microsoft.

I mention the false announcement by Microosft, because there are times when you are hurt on the issue Microsoft promises - promises too much that did not keep. In the case of Vista, they announced the 3 "pillars" for Vista are:

* WinFS - which promised the filesystem merevolusioner how users interact with files on your computer
* Aero - new look for Windows
* Indigo - components to interact with web services

Vista only managed to give one of the three pillars of the above, the Aero which requires sophisticated hardware and slow computer performance. Still in touch with the three pillars of the above, below are 11 reasons why Vista is not much liked:

1. Users are confused - since the beginning, users complained about the many versions of Vista sold. Who needs all these variants? All it takes is a simple version (Home) and one version that has all the features (Pro). This confusion seems to occur because there is no Microsoft employee who understand the marketing strategy.

2. The size of the source code - are too big.

3. Components - components that are missing. WinFS, the promised file system and one of the main pillars of Vista does not come with Vista. This filesystem development began in 1991, and until now still not been resolved. Why?

4. Laptop battery waste. This should be improved with a separate source code and hybrid hard disk (HHD). However, current users will still have to use a very expensive SSD.

5. HHD - I am still upset about being told by the HD industry that the benefits of new generation of hard disk (HD) will "make all users move to Vista." This was announced two years ago, and until now there was still no further progress. My guess: not working properly, and still can not solve this problem.

6. Vista Capable sticker false - campaign "Windows Vista Capable" Microsoft is a huge marketing failure. Many computers are sold with the sticker "Windows Vista Capable" who was not able to operate Vista.

7. Drivers are minimal. Quite surprising that all existing Windows drivers in XP are not compatible with Vista. What happened?

8. There is no consistent advice to users, and Microsoft does not lend a hand. Some people say that you should buy a new computer with Vista and not upgrade from XP, some say the upgrade should be done. Microsoft should create a special site that can test the computer from the internet and advise the user whether they should buy a new computer or upgrade.

9. XP mania. All people love XP, and want to keep this OS. This makes Vista look even worse. Moreover, many reports say that the user back to XP after trying Vista.

10. Marketing responsibilities. Unlike previous versions of Windows release, Microsoft is not much to market Vista. Although there are a few posters and TV ads for Vista, Vista marketing can not be compared with the launch of several earlier versions, where they managed to get the attention of people around the world.

11. Performance - you are not supposed to issue a new OS that was developed for more than four years with a worse performance than the previous OS. Performance should be a top priority.

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